Гідрологія, гідрохімія і гідроекологія

Hydrology, hydrochemistry and hydroecology

For authors

Articles design

Frequency: scientific collection “Hydrology, hydrochemistry and hydroecology”, founded in 2000, is published 4 times a year. It is being prepared for publication on the basis of the Department of Hydrology and Hydroecology of the Faculty of Geography of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

Scientific topics of the collection:

  • theoretical and experimental hydrological, hydrochemical and hydroecological studies of water bodies;
  • the impact of climate change on the elements of the hydrological regime;
  • assessment of anthropogenic impact on water bodies;
  • analysis of catastrophic hydrological phenomena and their impact on water bodies;
  • management, use and protection of water resources;
  • water quality in water supply sources;
  • geographical aspects of global hydrological cycle research.

Reviews of scientific publications, information on the activities of famous scientists in the field of hydrology, hydrochemistry and hydroecology, which are dedicated to anniversaries, materials on professional conferences held in Ukraine and abroad, annotations of monographs and educational publications are accepted for publication.

Structure of the article – the authors need to focus on the following rubric when writing an article:

  • UDC, surname and initials of the author / s, name of the institution, title of the article;
  • annotation in Ukrainian (original language);
  • Keywords;
  • introduction, relevance of the research topic;
  • analysis of research on this topic;
  • The aim of the study;
  • materials and research methods;
  • presentation of the main material (in the text it is possible to select sub-items);
  • conclusions;
  • bibliography: original and transliterated (References) with English translation of names;
  • annotations (in two languages – Ukrainian, English).

Language of the publications is Ukrainian, English or other official languages of the European Union (Article 22 of the Law of Ukraine “On Ensuring the Functioning of the Ukrainian Language as the State Language” of April 25, 2019). In the case of publication in English or other official languages of the European Union, the article should be accompanied by an annotation and a list of keywords in Ukrainian. The text must be edited and formatted without errors.

Ethical norms – the material presented in the article must be original, previously unpublished, submitted in compliance with academic integrity. The authors are fully responsible for the content and accuracy of the materials presented in the article.

For individual articles submitted by students, a supervisor’s response is required.

Article review – all articles undergo a closed review procedure by two reviewers-specialists on the research topic. The authors are informed of the results in order to respond to the comments of reviewers. The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject articles that do not meet the requirements for scientific publications or in the case of negative reviews.

Manuscript design of the article:

  • volume of the article – up to 14 pages (main text, tables, figures, references, annotations); material with a volume of less than 4 pages – scientific reports;
  • Arial font, size 11, Word 6-8;
  • fields – all 2.5 cm; interval – 1, paragraph – 1.00;
  • highlighting the “title” part of the article in fonts:

UDC – size 11;
through the space – surname, initials of the author – size 11, bold, inclined;
name of the institution – size 10, inclined;
with a space – the title of the article (size 11, bold, capital letters);
at intervals – annotation in Ukrainian (original language) – size 9, inclined;
through the space – keywords – size 9, inclined;
at intervals – the main text of the article (size 11).

Units of measurement of values ​​and characteristics in articles should be given according to the SI system. In particular, the concentration of chemical components in water is in mg / dm3 (and not in mg / l).

References – original and transliterated with English translation of titles is located after the main text of the article (conclusions) at one interval.

Original bibliography. The subtitle “References” (size 10, bold) is printed in the middle, and then the original list of sources (also size 10) is given in the column. It is made out according to DSTU 8302: 2015 «Information and documentation. Bibliographic link. General provisions and rules of compilation “. References to sources in the text are given in square brackets with the serial number.

Transliterated bibliography. -The original “References” is followed by a Latin transliterated bibliography entitled “References”. The authors’ surnames are in transliteration in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of January 27, 2010 № 55 “On streamlining the transliteration of the Ukrainian alphabet into Latin”. For non-English sources, after the title of the work in square brackets, its English translation is attached, for example:

Khilchevskyi V.K. Hidroekolohichni problemy revitalizatsii richok na terytorii miskykh ahlomeratsii – mizhnarodnyi ta ukrainskyi dosvid [Hydroecological problems of rivers revitalization on the urban ares – international and Ukrainian experience]. Hidrolohiia, hidrokhimiia i hidroekolohiia. 2017. № 2(45). S. 6-13.

Annotations in Russian and English are placed after “References” at one interval. The abstract is submitted according to the scheme:

  • title of the article (size 9, bold),
  • surname and initials of the author (s) (size 9, bold, italic);
  • short text of the annotation (size 9, inclined); in English – extended text (2000 characters without spaces);
  • keywords – up to 5-6 words or phrases separated by a semicolon (size 9, italic).

Abstract of the article – added by the author (s) for publication in the Ukrainian abstract journal “Source”. Recommended size – 850 characters

Example of abstract abstract design:

УДК 556.012 556.522

Typification of rivers and lakes of the Ukrainian part of the Vistula basin and its consistency with research in Poland / Khilchevsky VK, Grebin VV, Zabokrytska MR Hydrology, hydrochemistry and hydroecology, 2017. (№ collection and pages of the article – will be affixed in the editorial office).

Carried out abiotic typification of rivers, which is based on the requirements of the EU WFD and a typological system adapted in Poland, allowed to identify: for the Western Bug basin within Ukraine 5 abiotic river types, within Poland – 7; for the San basin within Ukraine – 4 types of rivers, within Poland – 10. According to the EU WFD in the basin of the Western Bug, the very large rivers include, in fact, the Western Bug, and large rivers – Poltva, Rata, Luga and Rita. In the basin of the San River, the San belongs to the very large rivers, and the Vyshnya and Zavadivka (Lyubachivka) rivers belong to the large rivers. To perform the typification of lakes in the Western Bug basin on the territory of Ukraine according to the requirements of the EU WFD, it is necessary to conduct research on a set of indicators (geological catchment conditions, ratio of catchment area to lake volume, vertical stratification of lake waters).

Il. 2. Table. 3. Bibliogr.: 12 titles.

Keywords: Western Bug, San, European Union Water Framework Directive, abiotic types, river, lake.

Information about the authors – submitted when sending the article to the editorial board (separate file): surname, name, patronymic, academic degree and academic title, place of work, position, business address, contact phone, e-mail.

Manuscript of the article is sent to the editorial board in electronic form (with the file name – the author’s name in Latin letters), as well as in printed form in 2 copies (for review), one – with the signatures of the authors; the second is a copy of the first without a signature.

Author’s ethical duties

The authors should notify the editorial of the scientific collection “Hydrology, Hydrochemistry and Hydroecology” office about the financial sources for their publications, as well as about the contribution of the scientific institutions, companies and other organizations, which helped them with their work. Also, information about different grants get for support in the science research is needed. Any acknowledgments should be mentioned in the end of the article.

The articles, received by the editorial office, should not be on consideration in any other journal or published in the similar editions in the same or changed form. Sent materials are verified on the right authorship and/or plagiarism.

The authors of published articles have all responsibility for originality and author’s authenticity of published materials and security of intellectual property rights for the article, for selection and accuracy of the presented facts, numbers, quotes, geographical, people’s names, fullness and certainty of  given materials, references and other information.

Editorial board of the scientific collection “Hydrology, Hydrochemistry and Hydroecology” may not agree with author’s opinions and do not take a responsibility for the content of the articles.

Procedure for consideration of submitted materials

Submission of the article on consideration

The authors send their articles (in Word format), additional materials (pictures, charts, graphs etc.), the author’s questionnaire in electronic form on e-mail of the responsible secretary of ‘the scientific collection “Hydrology, Hydrochemistry and Hydroecology”, which is mentioned in in section “Contacts” on the home page.

Previous consideration

The responsible secretary gives the submitted article an enter register number and checks it for the accordance with the scope of the scientific collection “Hydrology, Hydrochemistry and Hydroecology”, and appropriate arrangement of the article. After this, sent materials undergo a check on plagiarism. In case of positive decision, the responsible secretary gives the article on the review of specialist (or few specialists) in corresponding field. In case of the wrong arrangement of the article and/or its discrepancy with the scope of the scientific collection “Hydrology, Hydrochemistry and Hydroecology”, also in case of plagiarism, responsible secretary can withdraw the article at this stage. He will notify the authors about that decision and send back the article for the completion. In this case, the receipt date of the article will be the date of the second submission in the appropriate form.


The review of the submitted article is made by double blind method. It means that the authors don’t know names of the reviewers, and the reviewers don’t know authors’ names. The editorial office appoints the reviewers at their discretion.

In the review reviewer gives his own mind about the topicality of the article, its structure, newness, accordance to the methods, expediency of chosen methods of the research, conclusion validity, adequacy and quality of the pictured material etc.

Editorial office review

An article submits on the review of the editorial office by the responsible secretary where such decisions are taken as:

  • Approval for printing without any changes;
  • Approval for printing with minor changes (without a review on the next meeting of the editorial office);
  • Returning the articles to the authors for some changes (with a review on the next meeting of the editorial office);
  • Returning the article to the authors for completion with the re-review;
  • Denying the article.

The responsible secretary notifies the author about the editorial office’s decision by e-mail, and sends him an article’s text and a reviewer’s questionnaire without specifying the name of the reviewer.

Completion of the article

In the first case author don’t need to complete or make some changes the article.

In the second case the article returns to the author for some revision. Then, the author sends it to the responsible secretary of the scientific collection “Hydrology, Hydrochemistry and Hydroecology”,.

In the third case the article would be returned to the author for making appropriate changes and then repeated for the repeated review.

In the fourth case, the article returns for completion to the author. After it the article sends on editorial office’s e-mail and passes the re-review by the editorial office.

In the fifth case the editorial office completely rejects the article. In this case, when author later presents a new article based on materials used earlier, the article gets new register number, and the procedure of the review replays from the initial point.

Editing and layout

Chosen articles are subject of the scientific and literary editing. After the layout of the article author gets a letter on e-mail for the final agreement. The author have to send his changes for 10 days from the date of the editorial office’s sending the scientific collection “Hydrology, Hydrochemistry and Hydroecology”. If the editorial office doesn’t gets the author’s answer within 10 days, the article are published in unchanged form. After it any changes are impossible.

Withdrawing of the article

The author has a right to withdraw the article at any stage of its reviewing until the moment of the publication. After the publication, the author cannot withdraw the article. The editorial office has a right to withdraw published articles which have some signs of plagiarism. The verification on plagiarism can be made by the editorial office and in response to some messages or complaints of the third parties. Decisions about the withdrawing of the article from publishing are taken at the editorial office’s meeting by the open voting.

Payment publication

The amount of payment for the publication of articles will be reported additionally. Contact a responsible secretary.