For reviewers
Reviewing of articles, submitted to the scientific collection “Hydrology, Hydrochemistry and Hydroecology”, is performed in a double-blind manner. It means that reviewers remain unknown for the author of the article, and the author’s personality is unknown for reviewers. Sent manuscripts are considered by at least two independent reviewers who are not employees of the institution where the author works. Typically, one reviewer is an employee of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, while the other must be an employee of another institution. The review is given in the written form and should contain a clear conclusion of whether the article may be published in the of the scientific collection “Hydrology, Hydrochemistry and Hydroecology”.
Ethical liability of the reviewer implies timely informing the editorial office about conflict of interests (for example, if a reviewer accidentally got for review an article of his/her own postgraduate / PhD etc.).
The terms of reviewing an article depend on its content, topic, etc. The editorial to the scientific collection “Hydrology, Hydrochemistry and Hydroecology” board does not strictly limit reviewers in time, but kindly asks to prepare a review for up to 2 months from receipt of the article by the reviewer.
Reviewer fills in the questionnaire, where assesses the following:
- compliance of an article with the Journal’s scope;
- conformance of the title, annotation, keywords, and UDC to the content of the article;
- presence of scientific novelty;
- adequacy and sufficiency of used methods;
- conformance to the requirements for the structure of scientific papers published in professional journals;
- the extent in which English abstract disclosure main research results;
- conformance of text and sources formatting to the Journal requirements;
- the volume of the article;
- quantity and quality of illustrative material (pictures, tables, etc.);
- scientific language;
- grammatical correctness of the text.
Besides, the reviewer can add expanded comments, including further describing the abovementioned aspects, and give recommendations on possible directions and ways of modifying the article, the use of certain scientific methods or techniques, information sources, etc.
To the reviewer. Download review form for the scientific collection “Hydrology, hydrochemistry and hydroecology” in .docx format.